15. Markdown Examples

15.2. Code environment

Either use fenced style (tildes)

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

or indented style (4 whitespaces)

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

Both works with pandoc and wordpress. Also see pandoc verbatim code.

15.3. Equations

(@gleichung1) $\(a=b*c\)$ As (@gleichung1) shows, blabla.

15.4. Bibtex, cite

Hindenlang [@Hindenlang2015]. Only works with pandoc!

[bibshow file=references.bib]

Hindenlang [bibcite key=Hindenlang2015], Gassner [bibcite key=gassner2011disp]

15.5. section references

15.6. Figures, caption


Fig. 15.1 This is an example caption.

See Fig. 15.1 for an image from the web embedded in this documentation.


Fig. 15.2 This is an example caption.

See Fig. 15.2 for embedding a local file.

15.7. tables

15.8. unnumbered section headings

just add


after the heading

15.9. Code blocks for various languages

int a = 32;
int a = 32;